Our Ministries
Come be encouraged, strengthened, challenged, loved and appreciated as part of The Solid Rock of Atlanta ‘family’

Connect with ‘like-minded’ Believers. “Men Walking in The Spirit.” As men, we serve in various roles such as husbands, fathers, sons…

The Vision for TSRA Women’s Ministry is growth, development, and the discipleship of others. “Women of Vision Walking in the Spirit Together.”

Neos (Ages 18-30)
A Young Adult Ministry where you can DISCOVER your identity in Christ, DEVELOP your God-given gifts…

Lighthouse Home Groups
An extension of The Solid Rock ‘family’ — small group Bible studies held in homes throughout the Atlanta area. Connect, grow and ‘do life’ together!

Love "U" Bible School
This Bible School is designed to work with anyone’s schedule; classes are online and can be done at your convenience. There is not cost to you!

TUF (The Unmarried Friends)
‘The Unmarried Friends’. We are a group of like-minded people coming together to have fun and glorify God!

Youth (Cross Culture)
From 9th to 12th Grade,
Cultivating a dynamic, Christ-centered atmosphere that motivates young people…

Youth (Crossover)
From 6th to 8th Grade,
Cultivating a dynamic, Christ-centered atmosphere that motivates young people…

We love our children and we teach them that God loves them so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we can have God’s very best